Here you will find all recent News, Releases, and Limited EDIFICE Editions with similar options, namely EDIFICE with SCHEDULE TIMER. If you want to discover all EDIFICE WATCHES with SCHEDULE TIMER (not News) in one place, we’ve prepared such a listing here (it updates regularly):



  • [Edifice Smart] EQB-1000AT-1A and ECB-10AT-1A x Scuderia AlphaTauri

    [Edifice Smart] EQB-1000AT-1A and ECB-10AT-1A x Scuderia AlphaTauri

    On February 25, Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced a collaboration model (2 models) with the F1 team “Scuderia AlphaTauri” as a new product of the high-performance metal watch “EDIFICE”. The EQB-1000AT-1AJR will be released on March 19th for 82,500 yen including tax, and the ECB-10AT-1AJR will be released on April 16th for 38,500 yen including…

  • [Edifice Review] ECB-10DB-1A – no time for unnecessary things

    [Edifice Review] ECB-10DB-1A – no time for unnecessary things

    When speaking about smartwatches, most people probably mean something like a mini-computer on a wrist with a solid set of capabilities focused on providing information about our environment or human body indicators. The Japanese have their own opinion on this issue – Edifice Smartphone Link line focuses on Bluetooth and wireless synchronization with your smartphone,…

  • [Live Photos] Edifice  ECB-10TMS-1A x x Racing Team” TOM’S

    [Live Photos] Edifice ECB-10TMS-1A x x Racing Team” TOM’S

    Casio’s high-performance metal watch “EDIFICE” is developed with the concept of “Speed ​​and Intelligence” under the theme of motor sports. The latest model is the ” ECB-10 “, which has the function of linking with a smartphone application using Bluetooth Low Energy . Based on this, the ECB-10TMS-1AJR, a collaboration with the racing team “TOM’S”…